
If you are reading this, you or someone you love is in some form of pain. Not physical pain necessarily, because then you would be calling your doctor. Your heart is hurting. You may be feeling alone, angry, fearful, heart-broken, guilty, ashamed, or hopeless; perhaps one, some, or all of these! You may be feeling powerless or wondering if it will ever end. "There is hope for you" Just as the sun rises daily at its' appointed time, each new day provides new opportunities to gain a fresh perspective on our life and make meaningful change. Sometimes all we need is a small adjustment in our thinking or perspective to manage our problem. At other times we find ourselves on life's "merry-go-round of troubles" overwhelmed in need of courage; exhausted in need of strength; and in despair needing hope. We are often tempted to just rid ourselves of the pain quickly rather than use our problems as springboards for learning, growing, and maturing. This is where counseling can help! I believe that as a result of working through our problems we are better able to manage and overcome many of our emotional and psychological conditions such as depression, anger, anxiety disorders, addictions of all kinds, etc. There is then hope for our ourselves, our marriages, and our families. Whether you are struggling within yourself, with others, or your relationship with God, I am committed to helping you manage the symptomatic distress you are currently experiencing and uncover and address the root of the problem so you can experience lifelong change.
New Day Christian Counseling, LLC | 1395 Triad Center Dr. Suite #3 | St. Peters, MO | 63376 | Tel: (314) 604-5622

Latest Update

As of September 2024, I'm not currently accepting new clients as I continue to work with established clients.
For any inquiries or further assistance, kindly refer to my contact page. Thank you!
New Day Christian Counseling, LLC “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” (2 Cor 4:16)