New Day Christian Counseling, LLC | 1395 Triad Center Dr. Suite #3 | St. Peters, MO | 63376 | Tel: (314) 604-5622
Services Offered
Anger management
Supporting adolescents
Treating various anxiety disorders: Generalized Anxiety, Phobias, Obsessive-
Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Addressing addictions: Sexual, Gambling, and Substance abuse
Resolving issues related to blended families (step-family dynamics)
Managing and overcoming depression
Supporting individuals in recovering from divorce
Assisting with life transitions: Job/Career changes, grief and loss, mid-life
adjustments, and adjusting to an empty nest
Strengthening marriages
Preparing couples for marriage through pre-marital counseling
Dealing with pornography addiction
Providing support for suicide prevention and intervention